It can be easy to take your eyes for granted. It can also be hard to appreciate when you might have a problem with your eye health, particularly because many conditions aren’t painful and the first symptoms may not be a reduction in the clarity of your vision. But changes in your eye health can also indicate an underlying health condition.

That’s why it’s really important to look after your eyes. The NHS recommends you should have your eyes tested at least once every two years; regular eye tests can help you to maintain good vision throughout your life.

Many people come to Kings Hill Opticians accepting that their glasses can only do so much and their sight isn’t going to get any better. But our state-of-the-art eye testing equipment and leading-edge, innovative solutions can help to make your vision better than you realised it could be. We take accurate, precise measurements when we assess your vision so that we can provide you with solutions that are better than you ever thought possible. And our expert opticians have an excellent track record in identifying underlying health conditions and making sure our patients get the expert referrals they need.

Did you know?

Eye tests aren’t just about improving your vision. Many other general health problems can be identified through eye tests.

Here are some diseases that can be identified through regular eye tests:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Chance of stroke -
  • Eye cancer
  • Tumour -
  • Glaucoma -
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Retinal detachment -

We Can Offer

Kings Hill Opticians
2 Liberty Square
Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent
ME19 4AU

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  • opticians awards 2019
  • opticians awards 2019
  • Varilux signature practice

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Registered co. number 06501309
Our registered office is at 2 Liberty Square, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4AU.